30 July 2008

Hey Jessica, Nathan, Gracie, and Emmy...

Kiersten keeps asking if she can drive to your house. She misses you guys! (Sorry Nick, she hasn't asked for you yet.)

P.S.: Kiersten has also asked to see the following people: Coral, Miss Angela, Declan & Zachary (but not Brandon), and her cousin Caitlyn (who was just born last week). She may have also asked for "Miss Connie," still not understanding that a) "Connie" is actually named John, and b) John ain't no "Miss."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kiersten (and Adam and Christina): We miss you lots and are reading your blog every day! Have a great trip and make lots of memories. Hope to hit the beach with you again soon. Love, Angela and Declan and Zachary (a.k.a. DackyZacky) but not Brandon