Our third and final day was the subject of much debate. On the one hand, we were feeling pretty wiped from the day before, and we thought Kiersten needed some run-around time. On the other, we didn't want to waste what could be our only time in the park for the next few years. We compromised by agreeing to do a ranger-led hike which would happen early in the morning, then coming back to the campsite that afternoon.

Anyway, we made breakfast and got moving by 8:30 so we could make it to the 9 a.m. hike. Unfortunately, the hike was farther away than we estimated, and we were caught behind a very slow-moving RV whose driver refused to pull over to let us pass (as the roadsigns said he should). We made it to the hike location just in time...to see the ranger departing with the group. Sabotage!

After that, we went back to our campsite to get ready for dinner. While Kiersten played, Christina found some showers and had her first one in several days. She apparently loved it, because I didn't see her for awhile after she left. Later, we had hot soup for dinner, and then cooked some marshmallows. While doing that, some nice pre-teen girls from the neighboring camp asked if they could play with Kiersten for awhile. We were very happy to oblige, and they all had a good time.
So we learned that taking a more relaxed approach to camping works best with a two-year old. We got a good hike in, while Kiersten got a free ride and some run-around time. Although we didn't get to see all of the major sites, we saw enough, got exercise, and followed our little one's schedule. Besides, not seeing everything gives us an excuse to make a return trip to the park.
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