25 June 2008

Car Trouble

One of our checklist items is "Make sure your vehicle is in good working condition." For a 5,000 mile drive...yeah, that's a must. Unfortunately, we can't check that box just yet, since a tree fell on our SUV over the weekend.

The PCS-wife had the car parked at the home of somebody with a lot of timber, which he made available to anyone who wanted to chop some down. Unfortunately, one tree cutter didn't make the proper calculations, and...wham. It took out our hood, the air pipe in the engine, the windshield, and part of the frame. Nobody's hurt, except the car.

Fortunately, it shouldn't take long to fix, and we should have the car back well before we take off. (Our 4th of July plans may be cramped, though.) Aren't we lucky that this happened NOW, and not the day before we were leaving?

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