20 April 2008

Recommended Reading: 1001 Places to See in the U.S.A. and Canada Before You Die

We're currently reading through Patricia Schultz's 1,001 Place to See in the U.S.A. and Canada Before You Die. The author divided the book by both states/provinces and larger geographic regions (i.e., Mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, etc.), so we can consult the various sections of the book as we pass through those areas and see if there's anything interesting to visit on the way.

The book reminds us that unless the Air Force gives me a second assignment to Alaska, we'll probably never be in Alaska or Northwest Canada again in our lifetime. (We're realists: traveling is expensive, so we like to take advantage of interesting places as long as the military sends us there.) Good planning will let us say, "Hey, I've been there" with a lot of the places in that book.

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